Education and training

Education and training

The research group carries out research-based teaching in PBL across engineering and science faculties at AAU (The Technical Faculty of IT and Design - TECH and the Faculty for Engineering and Science – ENG). The core activity is a course in Problem-based learning in Science Technology and Society (B.Sc., 1st semester), contextual co-supervision and consultancy (B.Sc., 2nd semester) and introduction courses to PBL and Project Management (M.Sc., 1st & 2nd semester). The research group also contributes to AAU staff development by delivering courses (compulsory and elective) and pedagogical co-supervision in the University Pedagogical Programme (in Danish: Universitetspædagogikum).
Besides the internal staff development teaching activities, UCPBL is responsible for;
- An international master's programme Master of Problem Based Learning in Engineering and Science (MPBL)
- Certification programmes
- Courses on problem-based learning which provide basic knowledge and support to academic staff from AAU and other institutions
- PhD education, which besides supervision includes general PhD courses e.g. in PBL, Professional Communication, Project Management and Mixed Methods for Educational Research